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Love: A Synonym for Art

You guys know Vincent Van Gogh, right? Of course, you do, he’s only one of the most famous artistic geniuses of all time. One of my favorite quotes in the whole world actually comes from him – “I feel like there is nothing truly more artistic than to love people”. Reread that. And then reread it again. The same person who painted the infamous Starry Night goes on to say there is nothing more artistic than to love people. Have you ever thought about love as a form of art before? Love is ________. How would you choose to finish that sentence? Blind? Scary? Risky? Beautiful? A transaction? Every single person’s answer would probably be different. Love is a lot of things, but maybe most importantly, it is art.

Loving people seems like a simple thing to do on the surface level, but I think everyone knows how complicated it can actually become. How complicated it can become when you’re working with an enemy. How complicated it can get when you experience a loss of love. How complicated it can get when you lose perspective of responding to difficult situations with a pure heart. The complexities of the four-letter word are endless, and it takes a great deal of strength to respond with love above all else in some situations. It is a challenge. A challenge I think we should all jump on board for.

Love is art because in the world we live in, it is a beautiful rarity. Many people see in black and white; if someone treats your wrong, you do the same back. Fight fire with fire and get your revenge. If you disagree with someone, you force your opinion on them until you both can’t take it anymore. If you see a stranger struggling, it is not your responsibility to help them. Love allows us to see in color. It is the splash of color on the otherwise boring and dark canvas that brings a new perspective to things. It brightens our life. It brightens the life of the people around us. Loving others has a ripple effect that only brings more color to the canvas until the beauty is undeniable. Let your first instinct be to love every single person around you every single second of the day.

Someone once asked me who I was. That is a pretty broad and intimidating question. After some silence and thinking, though, I at least knew who I wanted to be. I want to be a source of constant love. I want to be sunshine in human form and a joyous soul who can change a room with a smile. Love is powerful. I hold tight to the idea that love can change the world, and that is the foundation of everything I believe in life. Believe in the idea that love is the most beautiful form of art. We all have the capability to contribute to the artistic genius of loving people.

Optimistic thought of the day - You can never tell someone you love them too many times.

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