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I'm Praying for You

My faith is something incredibly instrumental in my life, if not the most instrumental, but not something I have ever really brought into my blog posts. This particular post is one I started a few months ago, but didn’t really have the right words to finish; the theme came back to me recently, and I think this concept is something too powerful not to share. It is something people need to think about. When I did, I was not able to look at my life the same way anymore.

Prayer is powerful. That is the understatement of the century, truly, but the truth held behind those three words is something that can never be misinterpreted. Talking to God is powerful. Kneeling before the King of Kings and giving everything, every single worry and thought and feeling and action to Him, is powerful. It is a necessity. Prayer life is a necessity. A piece of that prayer life is praying for other people – friends, family, coaches, teachers, strangers, other humans. Have you ever really sat down and thought about the phrase “I’m praying for you”?

To the one praying for others – I think this is something we should all be doing. There are few better ways to show someone you love them than talking to God about them. No matter how small or big your request or gratitude may be for someone in your life, He hears every single word. He hears every word, and then He moves mountains. It may take time. It may look different than what we thought it would be. But it happens. Sending some prayers and some love in the direction of someone close to you has effects that we rarely ever see. Pray those bold prayers for the people around you.

To the one being prayed for – wow. It is challenging for me to put into words how cool that concept is. Someone loves you enough to be asking God to move in your life. It doesn’t get much better than that. Everything good we have is from the Big Man Upstairs – what if someone was praying for those good things for you? What if that job you just got or those words you just heard that you really needed to hear were the result of someone praying to God that you could get what you need? We have no idea the number of people praying for us, but I guarantee they have helped get us where we are today. How could we ever repay that?

The bottom line is prayer is both powerful and priceless. God delights in our relationship with Him, and He hears everything we bring to Him, and works with everything we give to Him. Lift other people up to Him. It can change lives, and it can change yours, too. Next time you experience the goodness, wholeness, and unexplainable love God has for us, think about who may have been on their knees praying for you to have that. Then, do the same for someone else. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

Optimistic thought of the day – How can I be praying for you?

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