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Live Simply

How would you define your 2019? Could you define the 365 days in the last year using one word, or would it be more complex than that? As we embark on this next trip around the sun in 2020, there is a lot to think about. New Year’s resolutions are being set and shared. Reflections upon what went well last year and what didn’t go well are discussed. The new fresh start that comes with the date January 1st means something different to everyone every single year. It is a clean slate. A new set of 365 days you get to define.

A popular trend these days to go along with New Year’s resolutions is to pick a single word for the year. It can be anything you want – it serves as a theme and a focus for what you want to accomplish and who you want to be in the next twelve months. In 2018 I focused on being fearless as I began a new journey in College Station, and in 2019 I worked to love on people more often. It took me awhile to come up with my word for 2020 – so much has happened in the past year, and this clean slate led me to ask myself where do I want to go from here? I made a list of things I wanted to do more and areas I wanted to grow in and it was obvious from there. My word for 2020 is simplicity.

In 2020, I want to live a simple life. I want to take things day by day, and not worry too much about what tomorrow has to bring. I want to be present with the people surrounding me in this season of life. I want to do more of what makes me happy. Because at its very essence, isn’t that what life is all about? It’s not about overthinking things and stressing about what comes next or living in fear of what could happen. It’s about making the most of the twenty-four hours you have in front of you every single day, regardless of what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. We miss out on so many things that are right in front of us because we are too busy worrying about what is coming next

That being said, complicating life with fear and stress and worry is a lot easier than simply living for what is directly in front of you. There are too many things to get done, and too many “what if’s” that need to be accounted for. The thing is, when you stress about something before it happens, you put yourself through that thing twice. I read that on Pinterest a couple of weeks ago, and it has stuck with me because that is exactly what I want to avoid. There is too much good and light in the world and in life to be plagued by constant stress and overthinking. Living a joyful life is a lot easier than we think it is. Be present. Do more of the things that make you happy and less of the things that don’t. Look at 2020 as 365 separate days and you get to make the most of every single one of them!! That is so many. It’s that simple.

Optimistic thought of the day: Pick your word for 2020 and let me know what it is and why

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