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Straight Lines are Boring

I saw a tweet today from someone who recently went to a funeral and they shared a line from a eulogy that stood out to them during the service – life is not a straight line. It is anything but a straight line, and it can be so frustrating to plan out a clear path to what we want, just to see it shatter into a million pieces. We can plan all we want and dream about what we want our future to look like, but whether we like it or not, things are ultimately out of our hands. You can draw up the perfect straight line with everything you have ever wanted on the other side of it, but rarely do we ever actually have control over what is going to happen. Curved lines can lead to feeling powerless. There are ups downs and sharp curves and huge uphill climbs that are incredibly daunting. No matter how it happens or how long it takes, we make it through the challenges, and come out better for it on the other side.

One year ago today I tore my ACL for the first time. I have been doing a lot of reflecting about how the past 365 days have gone since that day. My straight line was all planned out for me – I would come to Texas A&M, play my four years of soccer, get a degree, and then progress to the next phase of life. You never really expect or think your line is going to be redirected. You hear and read stories of it happening to others, but you really do not see it coming when your line takes nineteen different turns and takes you somewhere completely different. The last year for me since that day was highlighted by 2 ACL tears and knee surgeries and the loss of a relationship with someone who got me through a lot of my hard days. It is one of those cheesy stories of like if I could write a letter to myself one year ago, what would I say? It has been a long year, but my no longer straight line has taken me on the adventure of a lifetime.

This brings me to my main point: straight lines are boring!!! Ups, downs, sharp turns, climbs, they may not be fun in the moment. They represent failures, mistakes, and tears. That being said, they take you to new and unexpected places where you learn new and unexpected things about yourself, the life you are supposed to live, and the world around you as a whole. Where is the fun in knowing what every single day of life is going to be like? These new and unexpected places often become sources of joy and laughter and GROWTH. If someone would have told me what the last year would have looked like for me, I really think I would have quit soccer and school and moved home to never come out of my room; yet here I am, more confident and joyful than I have ever been. I was given a new perspective on so many aspects of life, and given so many new opportunities because of the turns my straight line took. I have grown so much that it is hard to be anything but grateful for the adventure I have ended up on.

Life is not a straight line. There is no way around that. Something unexpected and completely not planned for will be thrown in your path. The perspective we choose to view these twists and turns through can change your life for the worse or for the better. Choose an embracing perspective. Choose the perspective of a mountain has been placed in front of me, but I will come out stronger once I have moved this mountain, no matter how long it takes. Your lows and sharp turns make you who you are. They allow for growth that will lead you to higher highs than you ever thought possible. Leave room for the adventure; straight lines are boring, anyways.

Optimistic thought of the day – No matter what season of life you are going through right now, take some time to celebrate how far you have come in the last 365 days. You won’t regret it.

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